Reactions and Raise Hand can be used to help communicate non-verbally in a meeting, such as clapping, agreeing, or asking a question.
To access nonverbal reactions, select Reactions in your Zoom menu bar.
Reactions include:
- Thumbs Up
- Clap
- Laughter
- Shock
- Heart
- Party Popper
These reactions stay up for a few seconds, then disappear. To react again, select the reaction.
Beneath the standard reactions, additional reactions can be found:
- Yes/Agree
- No/Disagree
- Slow Down
- Speed Up
- Back in a Moment
- Raise Hand
Unlike the standard reactions, these will remain active until they are selected again.
Raise and Lower Hand
Participants can virtually raise a hand, such as to signal a question. Those who raise their hand will be moved to the top of the participant list.
A hand raise will remain active until the hand is lowered by the participant, or a host/co-host from the participant list.
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