Manage Notification Preferences


This article contains tips on managing notification preferences for courses in WebCampus.


Canvas includes a set of default notification settings you can receive for your courses. However, you can change the default settings by setting your own notification settings. These settings only apply to you; they are not used to control how course updates are sent to other users. To learn more about each notification, default settings, and notification triggers, view the Canvas Notifications PDF.

Notifications are sent as one of four delivery types: notify me right away, daily summary, weekly summary, or don't send. If you change a setting, the change is made immediately to your account. Notification settings apply to all of your courses unless you set notification settings for individual courses.

You may be able to reply directly to email notifications outside of Canvas. Replies are updated in the Canvas Inbox. However, please be aware that attachments added as part of an external reply are not included with the message shown in Canvas.


  • Notifications are sent to Canvas contact methods as specified in your account. You cannot receive notifications if your contact methods are unconfirmed. If you are not receiving Canvas notifications, please review the Canvas support pages for students or instructors on managing your notifications.
  • The Canvas Student app supports setting notification settings. However, managing settings inside the app will override settings in the browser version of Canvas.
  • You may be able to select notification settings for an individual course. Learn more about managing notifications for a single course as a student or an instructor.

For more information, including step-by-step directions, please visit the student or instructor support pages on the topic.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you are still not receiving notifications, please check the following:

  • Check your Canvas account settings to ensure that your email address is confirmed and there are no warning indicators:
    1. Click on Account on the global navigation menu on the left.
    2. Select Settings
    3. In the Ways to Contact sidebar on the right, verify that your email address is correct.
      • If there is a check mark to the right of the email address, click on it to confirm your address.
      • If an exclamation mark appears to the right of your email address with an alert saying that Canvas could not send messages to the email address, submit a ticket to WebCampus support to fix this.
  • Check the Spam folder in your email account.
  • Check the filter rules on your email account.

Need Additional Help?

For additional assistance, please visit the WebCampus Knowledge Base for additional articles or our Services area to submit a support ticket. You can also contact the IT Help Desk via phone (702) 895-0777 or email (



Article ID: 673
Thu 1/20/22 2:33 PM
Mon 8/29/22 7:43 PM