Update All Due/Availability Dates


This article shows how to update assignment due dates or availability dates within WebCampus.


This article contains information regarding updating due/availability dates for assignments in WebCampus. This process can be used to change one or multiple assignments at a time. Typically instructors will use this after they have copied course content, or when a student need to complete an "Incomplete" in a course. For more information, please see the article covering the differences between due dates and availability dates.


Open Assignments

In Course Navigation click the Assignments link

Screenshot of Assignments Callout

Open Assignment Dates

On the Assignments page, click the vertical ellipsis icon  and the select Edit Assignment Dates

Screenshot of Edit Assignment Dates

Edit Assignment Dates

  1. You can find the name of the assignment in the Title column.
  2. The current assignment due date is located within the Due At column.
  3. You can change the assignment's availability to students in the Available From column. This date is when the assignment "opens" to the student.
  4. You can change when the assignment "closes" to students using the Available Until column.
  5. If assignments have multiple due dates you can see that in the indented section of the Title.
  6. You can choose the Date Range of the assignments that are due. Typically this will not need to be done and can be left blank.
  7. If you want to shift the due dates by a certain amount of days instead of setting a new due date, you can select multiple assignments and Batch Edit them.

Screenshot of Bulk Assignment Due Dates


  • Any changes made must be Saved in order for them to take affect. If they are not saved, the changes will be reverted to the original dates.
  • Available From and Available Until dates can be left blank, as long as there is a Due Date set. However, if no Available From date is selected, the assignment will be "open" immediately to students. Additionally, if no Available Until date is selected, the assignment will be "open" to the student indefinitely. This means a student would still be able to turn in an assignment after the Due Date, but will be marked Late. Points would be deducted based on your Late Grading Policy, if one is set.
  • If an assignment has a Available Until and Available Until date, the Due Date must fall in between the two. If not, an error will occur. See the Troubleshooting section below.


  1. An error will also occur if the Available Until date is before the Due Date. To resolve this error, the Available Until date must be after the Due Date, or removed completely.
  2. An error will also occur when trying to set the Available From date to something that is after the Due Date. To resolve this error, the Available From date must be before the Due Date or removed altogether.

Screenshot of Bulk Assignment Due Dates Error

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Article ID: 701
Mon 2/14/22 3:58 PM
Fri 8/12/22 12:22 PM