Update your Personal Email in Workday


Your personal email is used for self-service password reset requests, as well as to deliver important information from UNLV to you. We recommend updating this to a non-UNLV email that you check regularly.


It is important to keep a non-UNLV personal email on file. This email is used if you need to reset your password, and to deliver important information from UNLV to you.

How to Update your Personal Email in Workday

  1. Log in to Workday
  2. In the top right, select the Person IconPerson Icon
  3. Select View Profile
  4. In the left navigation, select Actions under your name 

    Screenshot of name in Workday profile with Actions button highlighted
  5. Locate Personal Data > Change Contact Information
  6. Navigate to Primary Email within the Home Contact Information section
  7. Select Edit (pencil icon)
  8. Enter your preferred non-UNLV email
  9. Select Done (checkmark)
  10. Select Submit at the bottom of the page

A job aid PDF with these instructions is also available.

Need Additional Help?

For additional assistance, please visit the Workday Knowledge Base for additional articles. You can also contact the IT Help Desk.




Article ID: 806
Thu 4/28/22 12:17 PM
Thu 8/18/22 4:32 PM