How to Change the Secondary Info in the Gradebook


Instructors can view student information such as their NSHE ID, ACE Username, and associated groups and sections via the Secondary Info in the WebCampus grades page.


  • Go to the Grades page.
  • Click the vertical ellipsis icon  in the Student Name header, then select Secondary info.
    Secondary info
  • Select which option you would like to display:
    1. Course section that the student is enrolled in
    2. SIS ID = ACE Username
    3. Integration ID = NSHE ID
      • Displaying the student's Integration ID/NSHE ID can be helpful when submitting grades to MyUNLV at the end of the semester if the student's preferred name in MyUNLV is different from their name in WebCampus.
    4. ACE Username
    5. Group(s) that the student is part of in this specific course.
    6. Leave the secondary info as empty.

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Article ID: 857
Thu 6/2/22 2:59 PM
Fri 7/15/22 3:11 PM