Popular Services

Apply for funding to support your graduate and professional scholarly activities, i.e. conference travel, research materials (goods and services), competitions, and more.

General questions regarding GPSA, or GPSA-related programs and services, from persons inside UNLV.

This fund aims to promote publishing activity for graduate students and supports unable to afford article publishing costs associated with peer-reviewed open access journals.

GPSA GradPartner Subsidies are external sponsorships given to various campus units, groups, departments, areas, and programs. This initiative is aimed at enhancing graduate student experiences and resources through partnerships outside of GPSA. GPSA sponsored funds are meant to stimulate, activate, or accelerate direct support for UNLV graduate students.

The Graduate & Professional Student Association's Continuation Support Grant (CSG). The CSG provides financial assistance, up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), to graduate and professional students experiencing a financial or life crisis. Students may receive a CSG from GPSA twice in their graduate career at UNLV.

Public comments ensure you are heard on issues related in the development of effective rules and regulations that serve your community. The Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) will invite public comments prior to and during all GPSA Council, committee, subcommittee, and Executive Board meetings, as well as on special topics or issues effecting graduate and professional students. Please share your public comments via this online form, by emailing gpsa@unlv.edu, or in person at any posted public meetings of the GPSA.

To request an update to an existing Knowledge Base article or to request a new article, please use this form.

Use this Service to track requests or items to be included on future GPSA public meeting agendas.
Update "Type" accordingly to specify which meeting type this agenda item should be added to. (i.e. GPSA Council, Ways & Means, Executive Board, Sponsored Funding, etc.)

General questions or requests to GPSA from outside entities (outside UNLV).