Grant a Student Extra Time on a Quiz

If you have set a time limit on your quiz, you can grant a student extra time to complete the exam If the student has not taken the quiz yet, the extra time will be added to the student's initial attempt and additional attempts they are allotted. Learn more about managing extra attempts.

If a student is currently taking the quiz while you are viewing the Moderate Quiz page, you can extend the quiz time as part of their current attempt. You can choose how many minutes to extend the quiz, and whether you want to add those minutes to the current time or the current (scheduled) end time.

Before you begin

  • A quiz must be published before you can moderate it. If you would like to manage the quiz moderation options before allowing students to access it, set the quiz Available from date to a future date and publish the quiz. Your students will not receive a notification for an unavailable quiz. Once you’ve made timing moderations, you can unpublish the quiz to save your moderations. You can then continue to edit the quiz prior to publishing it for your students to access.
  • If your quiz availability window is shorter than the time the student is allowed to complete the quiz, you will need to extend the availability of the quiz to accommodate the extra time. 
  • Extra time must be set prior to the student beginning the exam.
  • The maximum time you can extend a current attempt is 1440 minutes (24 hours).

Granting a student extra time on a quiz

  1. From Quizzes, click on the title of the quiz.
  2. Click on Moderate this Quiz on the right or bottom of the screen. (Note: If you do not see Moderate This Quiz, your quiz is not published.)

    Screenshot of Moderate this Quiz option
  3. Locate the student's name in the list. (You can also enter the student's name in the Search People box and click on Filter)
  4. Click on the Pencil icon to the right of the student's name.
    Screenshot illustrating step 4 - Pencil icon to the right of the student's name
  5. In the Extra time on every attempt box, enter the number of extra minutes to grant the student. (If you do not see this option, a time limit has not been added to your Quiz settings.)
  6. Click Save.
    Screenshot of steps 5 and 6 - adding extra minutes to a student's attempt

Extending the availability of the quiz for a student

  1. From Quizzes, click on the title of the quiz.
  2. Click on the Assign To button.
  3. Click on +Add at the bottom of the Assign section. (A second Assign to box will appear.)
    Screenshot of step 3 Assign to box
  4. Enter the name(s) of the student(s) who needs the extended time in the blank Assign to box.
  5. Set the extended Due and Available Until times. (The Available from date can be the same as everyone else.)
    You should see two Assign criteria - one for Everyone Else and one for the student(s) who need extra time.
    In the example below, IT Student 05 and IT Student 06 will have from Oct. 5 1:00pm to 3:00pm to take the quiz. Everyone else will have Oct. 5 1:00pm to 2:00pm to complete the quiz. 
    Screenshot of steps 4 and 5 - Two assign to settings
  6. Click Save

Be sure to advise your student(s) to give themselves enough time to complete the exam prior to the available until time. For example, if a student is allowed 2 hours to complete an exam that is only available until 3:00pm, they must start the test no later than 1:00pm. 

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