Embed Files in the Rich Content Editor as a Student


Some assignments require both a text submission and a file upload, however, you cannot use both submission methods. Another way to submit a file for an assignment or discussion is by embedding the file in the Rich Content Editor (also known as the text entry box).


If an assignment requires both a text submission and a file upload, you will be unable to use both the Text Entry and File Upload options. Another way to submit a file for an assignment or discussion is by embedding the file in the Rich Content Editor (also known as the text entry box). To submit both text and file, simply select the Text Entry option, and follow the instructions listed below on how to attach a file in the Rich Content Editor.






If you receive the error message: Something went wrong, check your connection and try again, it is possible that you might not have enough available account storage. Check your account storage, and remove files as needed to make space in your account. After making enough space, try embedding your file again. Please contact the IT Help Desk if you are still unable to embed your file.   

Need Additional Help?

For additional assistance, please visit the WebCampus Knowledge Base for additional articles or our Services area to submit a support ticket. You can also contact the IT Help Desk via phone (702) 895-0777 or email (ithelp@unlv.edu).



Article ID: 778
Thu 3/24/22 11:09 PM
Tue 7/5/22 8:34 PM