Intended Audience: All Employees
This article is intended for all employees. If this is not a public article, it may not be intended for outside communication; please review the Related Articles pane for any related public-facing articles. This article may be public but intended for specific roles. If this article does not suit your needs, please leave feedback or locate a related article as previously directed.
The New Program, Gift, or Project service may be used to request the creation of a new Program, Gift, or Project in Workday. As it may take 7-10 days for these worktags to be activated in Workday after approval, it is pertinent your request contains accurate entries of the required information.
Please use this article as you fill out your request. Below, you will find information regarding the required fields to request a New Project Wortkag.
- This is the individual requesting the creation of the Activity Code. This individual will be contacted if further information is required.
- This field defaults to the User logged into TeamDynamix, but you may select any active UNLV employee.
- This is the high level department that the Requestor belongs to.
- TeamDynamix will automatically populate this field based on who is selected as the Requestor
Proposed New Worktag Name
- This name will become the name of the worktag along with the PJ number assigned by Workday
- This name will be reviewed to make sure it follows the naming guidelines
Worktag Type
- Select the worktag type you are requesting (Project)
- For Grant Worktags – Please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)
Is this a Scholarship?
- Project requests are non-scholarship (no)
If Gift - spend types
- Skip this question for Project Worktag requests
- Provide a detailed description of the purpose and reason for the new Worktag
Account Control Type
- Selecting an Account Control Type is optional, but a recommendation can be provided by selecting one of the following options:
- Balanced Controlled, or
- Budget Controlled
Cost Center Id
- Please provide the Cost Center Id and name associated with this proposed worktag request
- Cost Center format is “CC####”. Example: CC0056 Univ Wide-Institutional Priorities
Unit Id
- Please provide the Unit Id and name associated with this proposed worktag request
- Unit Id format is “UNLV##”. Example: UNLV47 Univ Wide Programs
Expense Function Category
- Choose the most appropriate Function based on the NACUBO expense function definitions
- For definitions and details on each Function, please refer to the following Knowledge base document: NACUBO Expense Function Definitions
- FN10 Instruction or Departmental Research
- FN20 Organized Research
- FN30 Public Service
- FN40 Academic Support
- FN50 Student Services
- FN60 Institutional Support
- FN70 Operations and Maintenance of Plant
- FN80 Scholarships and Fellowships
- FN90 Auxiliary
Proposed Fund
- Please enter the proposed fund. Be aware that many variables are considered for fund application and that Financial Planning, Budget and Analysis will make the final decision of the fund ID
Worktag Source of Funds
- Please select the most applicable sources of funds. Use the Revenue description to further describe the source of funds in detail.
Estimated Annual Revenue Amount
- Please enter the projected annual revenue amount for this worktag request
- This amount should be greater or equal to the estimated Expense Amount
Revenue Description
- Please provide a description of the revenue for this worktag
- If the worktag is being funded by multiple revenue sources (e.g. project bonds, project gifts, state accounts, etc), please list each revenue source type and the amount for each.
Estimated Annual Expense Amount
- Please enter the estimated annual expense associated with this worktag request
Expenditure Description
- Describe the type of expenses that will be posted to this worktag. Please add as much detail as possible
Payroll Expense
- Please select the appropriate response for payroll expense as applicable to this worktag request
Payroll Expense Type
- If you answer Yes to the previous question, please provide the Types of Payroll Expenses
- Possible Options: salaries, fringe, or salaries and fringe
Worktag Manager
- Please provide the legal name of the worktag manager. Once you start typing the name, the system will provide possible matches based on the name saved in Workday
- This role allows the user to review and approve all financial transactions for assigned worktag(s). The assigned user will have the ability to view all related transactions (requisitions, invoices, purchase orders, budget amendments, and journals as well as Manager Balance and Expenditure reports. Worktag Manager requires authority from Worktag Owner to manage business and financial transactions on his/her behalf)
Worktag Owner
- Please provide the legal name of the worktag owner. Once you start typing the name, the system will provide possible matches based on the name saved in Workday
- This role allows the user to view financial information and reports. It should be assigned to the employee that is ultimately accountable for the worktag budget and the purpose it supports. This user is not routed Workday processes for review and approval but can be added as an additional approver on an ad hoc basis.
Final Worktag ID
- The final worktag ID and Name will be added by Financial Reporting once NSHE creates the worktag in Workday.