Understanding Notification Templates

Intended Audience: TeamDynamix Administrators

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TeamDynamix processes and sends notifications to users and technicians through email when certain actions are taken or when certain criteria is met.

The format of these notifications and their triggers are largely determined by the TeamDynamix system. Though these notifications can be configured within each departmental application, configurations may only pertain to the look and feel of the email templates. 

Application Administrators must utilize the standard Business Affairs notification templates. These notification templates may be found within the Business Affairs Look and Feel Knowledge Base Category.

Understanding Notification Templates

TeamDynamix supports 16 standard notification templates. These templates produce email notifications for varied actors and varied audiences. These notification templates may be access through TeamDynamix admin interface. 

TeamDynamix supports the following notification templates:

  1. Ticket Comment Added (Requestor) 
    1. An email notification to a customer informing them of a comment added to a ticket or form for which they were selected to be notified. 
  2. Ticket Comment Added (Ticketing User)
    1. An email notification to a technician informing them of a comment added to a ticket or form for which they were selected to be notified. 
  3. Ticket Created (Requestor)
    1. An email notification to a client informing them of their or someone else's form or ticket submission. 
  4. Ticket Created (Ticketing User)
    1. An email notification to a technician informing them of their or someone else's form or ticket submission. 
  5. Ticket Moved (Ticketing User)
    1. An email notification to a technician informing them that a form or ticket has been moved to their application from another. 
    2. Example: If an IT Ticket is transferred to an HR application.
  6. Ticket Service Level Agreement Violation (Requestor)
    1. A notification to a client informing them that their department's service level agreement for a form or ticket has not been met. This notification is only sent for service-level agreements for which this is configured.
    2. Notifications should only be sent to clients within the department processing the request. 
  7. Ticket Service Level Agreement Violation (Ticketing User)
    1. A notification to a technician informing them that their department's service level agreement for a form or ticket has not been met. This notification is only sent for service-level agreements for which this is configured.
  8. Ticket Service Level Agreement Warning (Requestor)
    1. A notification to a client informing them that a form or ticket is reaching their department's service level agreement deadline. This notification is only sent for service-level agreements for which this is configured.
    2. Notifications should only be sent to clients within the department processing the request.
  9. Ticket Service Level Agreement Warning (Ticketing User)
    1. A notification to a technician informing them that a form or ticket is reaching their department's service level agreement deadline. This notification is only sent for service-level agreements for which this is configured.
  10. Ticket Task Comment Added (Requestor)
    1. A notification to a client informing them of a comment added to a task on a ticket for which they were selected to be notified.
  11. Ticket Task Comment Added (Ticketing User)
    1. A notification to a technician informing them of a comment added to a task on a ticket for which they were selected to be notified.
  12. Ticket Task Updated (Requestor)
    1. A notification to a client informing them of an update to a task on a ticket for which they were selected to be notified.
  13. Ticket Task Updated (Ticketing User)
    1. A notification to a technician informing them of an update to a task on a ticket for which they were selected to be notified.
  14. Ticket Updated (Requestor)
    1. An email notification to a customer informing them of an update to a ticket or form for which they were selected to be notified.
  15. Ticket Updated (Ticketing User)
    1. An email notification to a technician informing them of an update to a ticket or form for which they were selected to be notified.
  16. Ticket Workflow Step Assignment
    1. An email notification to a technician or client informing them of a required action for a ticket or form within a workflow.