Add a User to a Course

Anyone with instructor level access to a course has the ability to add other users (TAs, designers, co-instructors) to their WebCampus courses.

The different course permissions associated with a course role are defined in the table below:

WebCampus Course Roles and Permissions

Role Permissions
Teacher This grants a user full access to a course with the ability to add/remove content, view assignment/quiz submissions and the gradebook.
Note: Teachers do not have the ability to change start/end dates for a section. To change the start/end dates of your sections, please submit a service request.

This is similar to Teacher/Instructor access to a course with the following exceptions:

  • TAs are not able to add other users to a course
  • TAs are not able to review LockDown Browser videos when a webcam is required for a test
  • Courses are hidden from TAs 2 weeks after the semester ends
Librarian Primarily used to grant a UNLV librarian access to your course. Users with those role have the ability to add/remove/edit content in the course, but cannot add users, view student submissions, or access the gradebook.

Designer & Learning Design Support

These two roles have the ability to add/remove/edit content in the course, but will not have access to student submissions nor have the ability to edit/assign grades. Designers will have read only access to a course once the semester concludes.
RCA RCA = RebelFlex Classroom Assistant. This role is used specifically for RebelFlex courses. It grants a designated student assistant the ability to access the Zoom link in a course to help moderate the Zoom session and the ability to post announcements in the course.

This provides a user view only access to your course. Students can access content and message individual members of a course, but are unable to send a message to the entire course. Courses are hidden from students 2 weeks after the end date listed in MyUNLV.

Student adds/enrollments are managed via our integration with MyUNLV. If you would like someone manually added as a student to your course(s), please submit a service request.


This grants a user view only access to your course. Anyone in the Observer role cannot submit graded work.

Please submit a service request to grant a user observer access to your course.

Student Observer This role is reserved for the Student-Athlete Academic Services (SAAS) advisors. We use this role to pair advisors with student atheletes. For more details on this role, please see the WebCampus Student Observer Role article.
Course Admin This role is reserved for non-academic or organizational course shells. Do not assign any users this role in your academic sections.

Instructions for Adding Users to a Course

  1. Click on the People link in your course menuscreenshot illustrating steps 3 to 8
  2. Click the + People button
  3. Select Login ID*
    **Instead of Login ID, you can select Email Address as the criteria for adding a user. However, you must know the primary email address associated (and validated) with their WebCampus profile.
  4. Enter the user's ACE ID (if you selected Login ID in step 3) or email address (if you selected Email address in step 3) in the text box. Note: If granting multiple users the same role, you can separate their ACE IDs with a comma.
  5. Select the Role to assign the user from the drop down menu.
  6. Select a Section (default option can be used unless your course is crosslisted)
  7. Optional: Check the Can interact with users in their section only if you have a crosslisted/combined course and do not want the user to interact with other sections
  8. Click Next 
  9. Confirm that the user is correct and click Add Users

    Screenshot illustrating step 9





When successfully added, the user will appear in the People section with a Pending flag. They will be sent an email notification inviting them to join the course or a notice will appear at the top of their dashboard. Once they accept the invitation, the Pending status will be removed.

Instructions for Removing Users from a Course

  1. Click on the People link in your course menu.
  2. Click on the 3 dots to the far right of the user you want to remove.
  3. Select Remove User from Course (If you do not see this option, submit a service request to have the user removed from your course.
  4. Click Ok.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • We were unable to find matches error message: Either the ACE ID or the email address you entered is not associated with the user you are attempting to add or the user does not exist in WebCampus. Try to add the user using a different criteria (see step 3 above) or contact the IT Help Desk to verify that a user exists in WebCampus.
Note: All active students and employees have WebCampus accounts. If the user is not affiliated with UNLV, you must submit a request for a WebCampus Guest ACE account

Need Additional Help?

For additional assistance, please visit the WebCampus Knowledge Base for additional articles or our Services area to submit a support ticket. You can also contact the IT Help Desk via phone (702) 895-0777 or email (

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Article ID: 661
Thu 1/13/22 12:32 PM
Thu 1/25/24 11:07 AM