WebCampus Student Observer Role

This feature is limited.

Student-Athlete Academic Services (SAAS) is currently the only department using the Student Observer role in WebCampus. SAAS will contact instructors directly where this feature is being used.

What is the Student Observer Role?

The Student Observer role in WebCampus allows a student to be paired with another user (like an advisor) to monitor a student's progress. Student Observers are required to complete FERPA training and will have read-only access to a course. Once paired with a student, the student observer will be able to monitor their assigned student's progress in the course. Student Observers will be listed in the People section of the course and instructors will have the ability to see which student(s) they are observing.

Screenshot of how a Student Observer would be listed in the People area of the course

Granting Student Observer Access

Student Observer access is granted manually by WebCampus Support. Student Observer access to courses will mirror the student's access - courses will not be visible until 1 week before the start date listed in MyUNLV and access will end 3 weeks after the course's end date.

Opting Out

If you would like to opt-out of having Student Observers in your course, please submit this Google form.

Student Observer Permissions

Student Observers will not have the ability to edit content, view other students' grades or discussions, or submit assignments or quizzes. For the Canvas Inbox - Student Observers will only be able to communicate with the student they are observing (not other students in the course) and will not have access to any messages sent directly to the student they are observing. 

The table below outlines how a Student Observer can interact with published/available course content, features, and tools.

Permission Student Observer Access
Announcements - view Yes
Assignments and Quizzes - add/edit/delete No
Assignment Submissions - view Only paired student's submissions
Assignment Submissions - submit No
Collaborations - create No
Course Content - view Only published content students can see
Course Content - add/edit/delete No
Course Files - add/edit/delete


Discussions - view No
Discussions - create/post/modify No
Grades - view Only paired student's grades
Grades - edit/add/delete


Inbox - view Can only send messages to paired students. Cannot see paired student's messages.
Inbox - reply No
Modules - view Only published content students can see
Modules - edit/duplicate No
Pages - view Only published content students can see
People - view No
Peer Reviews - view Only comments provided to paired students
Quizzes - view Student Observers will only be able to see the paired student's quiz submission based on the Quiz Responses settings of the quiz.
Course Available on User Dashboard Yes

Instructions for Student Observers (Advisors)

To access your paired student's courses:

  1. Log in to WebCampus.
  2. From the Dashboard, select the drop-down option in the upper right and select the student's name.
  3. Select the course to view.
    Screenshot of Student Observer dashboard illustrating steps 2 and 3.

    Once in the course, you will see the students name in the upper right. If you are observing more than one student in the course, you can use the drop-down option to select another student.
    Screenshot of the course view as a student observer. Arrow pointing to the paired student's name in the upper right.
  4. When you're done reviewing the student's progress in the course, return to the Dashboard by clicking on the Dashboard icon on the left. 

Need Additional Help?

For additional assistance, please visit the WebCampus knowledge base for additional articles. You can also contact the IT Help Desk.

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Article ID: 1229
Wed 3/1/23 3:35 PM
Tue 1/9/24 8:08 AM