Emeritus/Emerita ACE Accounts and Access

Emeritus/emerita status is an honorific awarded to faculty in recognition of an exemplary and extended record of teaching, research, and service at the university. To promote their continued participation in and contribution to the UNLV community, individuals granted emeritus/emerita status are eligible for benefits and privileges at UNLV including the following OIT benefits and privileges:

  • ACE Account
  • UNLVMail email account
  • Faculty/Staff access to the UNLV libraries
  • Faculty/Staff identification card

Additional benefits for Emeritus/Emerita Status can be found here.

Benefits and Privileges

In general, emeritus/emerita faculty are considered normal faculty members and are entitled to the most benefits and privileges as an active faculty members. Faculty granted emeritus/emerita status upon retirement will maintain their existing ACE Account, UNLVMail, and Rebelmail (if granted). There are some exceptions/modifications to these benefits.


Zoom is not included as a benefit and is only available to active employees designated as active in Workday. Emeritus/emerita, however, may use Google Meet to host meetings as a benefit of their UNLVMail access.


Departments may choose to check out UNLV barcoded computers to emeritus/emerita faculty. OIT does not check equipment out to emeritus/emerita faculty. However, OIT can support UNLV barcoded devices once checked out by other department.

As with active faculty, emeritus/emerita faculty do not have access to computer labs.


If you were granted a UNLV barcoded computer, you may request software to be installed. Please see the software catalog for available software. Some software does require a cost your department must pay.

If you don't have a UNLV barcoded computer, you can still obtain Microsoft Office 365 at no charge with your UNLVMail address.

Library Access

Emeritus/emerita faculty continue to be able to access Library Resources, including databases. Faculty should use their existing ACE Account for access. For more information or assistance, please contact the Library directly.

Benefits and Privileges

  • UNLV email account Faculty/staff
  • access to the UNLV libraries
  • Faculty/staff identification card
  • Faculty/staff parking
  • Faculty/staff discounts on tickets to university athletic and cultural events
  • Listing in university catalogs and faculty/staff directories as emeritus faculty
  • Participation in commencement and convocation ceremonies in full regalia
  • Inclusion on mailing lists for lecture series performances, and other university events
  • Inclusion on invitation lists to certain departmental, college, and university events Grant-in-aid benefits (in accordance with policies established in the Board of Regents Handbook)

For more information refer to the Emeritus Information Webpage: https://www.unlv.edu/ofa/processes/emeritus-status


All Emeritus are eligible for "Eduroam" our UNLV Wireless Network. To request access, please fill the form found here and mention "Emeritus status requesting access to Eduroam Network" to process the access request.

Need Additional Help?

For additional assistance, please visit the Accounts, Access, and Identity knowledge base for additional articles. You can also contact the IT Help Desk.