With the Zoom + WebCampus integration, you can schedule meetings for your course and automatically share meeting details with students and automatically collect attendance reports.
Navigating Zoom in WebCampus
Open your WebCampus course and select Zoom in your course navigation. From there:

- Select Schedule New Meeting to begin scheduling a meeting for your course. See Scheduling a Meeting below.
- Open the menu to select more options:
- Import meeting allows you to associate a Zoom meeting that was scheduled in Zoom to this WebCampus course.
- Disassociate meeting will disconnect a meeting from this WebCampus course, but not delete the meeting.
- Attendance Report Setting allows you to update settings for tracking meeting attendance, and to enable syncing the attendance report with the WebCampus gradebook
- The Upcoming Meetings tab shows a complete list of meetings that are coming up for the course. All scheduled upcoming meetings, their start dates and times, topics, and Meeting IDs can be viewed on this page. You can also Start or Delete meetings
- The Previous Meetings tab shows a complete list of meetings that had occurred for the course, or were imported from your Zoom Web client account. Here, you can view their start dates and times, topics, and meeting IDs, as well as an attendance report for each. You can also Delete meeting records

- In the Cloud Recordings tab, you and your students can access previous Zoom meetings that were recorded to the cloud

Scheduling a Meeting
Once you select Schedule a New Meeting, a prompt will appear to schedule a new course meeting
- Enter a meeting Topic, which is the name of the meeting. If you schedule recurring meetings, the topic you set for one will be the same for all other occurrences of the meeting
- Optionally, enter a Description, where you can describe what happens in the meeting
- Enter When the meeting will start. For reoccuring meetings, this will be the first meeting date. The time options display as 30-minute increments (8:00 AM, 8:30 AM, etc.)
- Enter the Duration, where you select the length of your meeting. You can customize the minute, which displays as 15-minute increments.

- Enter the Time Zone to base the meeting time from.
- If this will be a reoccuring meeting, enable Reoccuring meeting then configure the following settings
- Recurrence: Whether the meeting recurs daily, weekly, monthly, or at no fixed time
- Repeat Every: How the meeting repeats, by week (every 1 week, every 2 weeks, etc.)
- Occurs On: Depending on Recurrence, you can select the days/weeks your meeting occurs on
- End Date: Either the exact date of the event’s final occurrence, or you can select that the event stops after a specific number of occurrences

- Select a security option. We recommend using a passcode for WebCampus meetings

Do not use "Only authenticated users can join meetings" as students do not have Zoom accounts and will not be able to authenticate.
Additional Settings
You can customize additional settings pertaining to the in-meeting experience.
- Beside Video, you can set whether Host or Participant video turns on upon joining by selecting On or Off
- Beside Audio, you can select which audio sources the Host and Participants are able to use. You can set it to Telephone only, Computer Audio only, or both
- Beside Meeting Options, you can select the following options:
- Enable Join Before Host
- Mute Participants Upon Entry
- Breakout Room Pre-assign
- Record the Meeting Automatically
You can set an Alternative Host or Hosts. Alternative Hosts can start the meeting on behalf of the Host.
An alternative host must have a UNLVMail account with a Zoom account.

Modifying Zoom + WebCampus Meetings
After scheduling a meeting in WebCampus, you can customize what appears on the Zoom page in WebCampus. You can also modify your meetings.
Changing Meeting Information in WebCampus
To change a meeting scheduled within WebCampus:
- Open Zoom in your WebCampus course
- Select the Topic of the meeting you wish to edit

- Scroll to the bottom of the page, then select Edit this Meeting

For reoccuring meetings, editing one meeting in the series will edit all meetings in the series.
Importing and Disassociating
If you created a meeting within your Zoom portal, you can associate that meeting to a WebCampus course to share it with students. You can also remove meetings, without cancelling them.

If you scheduled a meeting in your Zoom portal, you can import it to the Zoom page in WebCampus.
- Copy the meeting’s Meeting ID
- Navigate back to Zoom in WebCampus
- To the right of Schedule a New Meeting, open the menu and select Import Meeting, and paste the Meeting ID in the textbox
- Select Import
After pasting its Meeting ID in the text box, the meeting will be viewable in either Upcoming or Previous Meetings, depending on when it was held.
To Disassociate a meeting:
- Copy its Meeting ID from either Upcoming or Previous Meetings on your Zoom page in WebCampus
- Select Disassociate Meeting, and paste the Meeting ID in the textbox
- Select the Disassociate button
When you disassocaite a meeting, it will remove it from your WebCampus course, but not cancel or delete the meeting from your Zoom portal.
Recording Publishing
By default, students cannot see recordings of meetings that were recorded to the cloud. You can choose to Publish these meeting recordings so students can view them, or you can keep them Unpublished to be seen at a later date.
Hosts have
limited cloud recording space in Zoom. OIT recommends moving your recordings to another platform, like Panopto, instead of sharing the cloud recording in Zoom.
To Publish or Unpublish recordings:
- Open Zoom in your WebCampus course
- Select Cloud Recordings
- Enable or disable the recording using the Publish switch
Need Additional Help?
For additional assistance, please visit the Zoom Knowledge Base for additional articles. You can also contact the IT Help Desk.