Google Drive Storage Limits
UNLVMail offers 50GB and Rebelmail offers 15GB of online storage
Uploading Files and Folders into Google Drive
- On your Google Drive homepage, select New and then select File upload or Folder upload from the drop-down menu.
- Select your files or folders and select Open.
- The upload will begin and the upload time will vary depending on the size and quantity of files you’ve selected, and whether your files are being converted* or not.
*If you need to edit the files online, make sure to select the
Gear icon 
in the top right, select
Settings, and check the box next to
Convert uploaded files to Google Docs format before you begin your upload.
Downloading Files
You can download a local copy of your files to your computer and work on them offline. To do this:
- Open your document, select File > Download as from the drop down menu.
- Select from one of these file types: HTML, RTF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Open Office, PDF, and plain text.
- Select OK to download the file to your computer.
Sharing a File with an E-mail Address
You can share your document with specific people and determine their level of access.
- Open your file, select the blue Share button in the top right of the window. The Sharing Settings dialogue box will open up.
- Add a UNLVMail or Rebelmail address as a collaborator and set the person’s permission level.
- Can edit: Collaborators can add and edit content of your file.
- Can comment: Collaborators can view and add comments to your file.
- Can view: Collaborators can view and print your file.
- Make sure that Notify people via email is checked and select Send.
Sharing a File via Web Link
Another way to share your files is to create a web link.
- Open your file, select the blue Share button in the top right of the window and then select Advanced.
- At the top of the Sharing Settings dialogue box, select the Change link and select Anyone with the link and set the level of permission. This option is recommended when you are sharing a document that isn’t sensitive and with people who do not have a UNLVMail or Rebelmail account.
The Anyone with the link option is like an unlisted phone number. Another person can only view it if they have the exact URL of the doc. We do not recommend using this option for documents with sensitive or private data.
- Select Save.
- Now you will be presented with a link to share via e-mail.
Permission Settings
Permission settings set what collaborators can do with a document based on the permission they’ve been granted
Collaborating on a Google Doc
Google Drive enables multiple people in different locations to work on the same file simultaneously. All changes made to the file are in real-time, so all of the collaborators can see them and respond to them immediately. Before collaborators can work on a file together, all collaborators need to have editing access to the file.
To start collaborating, just open the same file from each individual's Google Drive. Keep these three features in mind as you are collaborating on a document with others:
- When you and another collaborator are viewing or editing the same file at the same time, a box with the name of the collaborators appears at the top of the screen.
- When a collaborator make changes to the file, you will be able to see their edits in real-time.
- Use the built-in chat window to communicate with your collaborators in real-time.
You can share a document, spreadsheet, or presentation with up to 200 email addresses including viewers, commenters, and editors (does not apply to files shared via web link). A maximum of 50 people can edit a document, presentation, or spreadsheet at the same time.
Shared Drives
Google Shared Drives are shared space where teams can store their files and documents and every member will have the most up-to-date information.
- Every person and Google Group added to a Shared Drive gets instant access to that team’s files and documents.
- Shared Drives are designed to store the team’s work collectively, so if a document’s creator leaves the team, that document remains in the Shared Drive.
- Shared drive members are prevented from accidentally removing or deleting files that others need.
- Users cannot move folders into a Shared Drive. They can recreate the folder within a Shared Drive and move the contents into that folder, or, contact the Help Desk so that the Google Workspace Admin can move it on their behalf.
- A Shared Drive can contain a maximum of 250,000 files and folders.
- A single Shared Drive can nest up to 20 subfolders
- You can upload up to 750 gigabytes of files a day per Google Drive account
- Total limit of individuals (direct members, or indirect members due to Google Group membership): 50,000
- Limit for individuals and groups directly added as members: 600
- A group and an individual are both counted as one member against the limit
- An individual who is a member of several groups that are added as direct members of the Shared Drive still only count as a single individual.
Creating a Shared Drive
You can create a Shared Drive by doing the following:
- From Google Drive, select Shared Drives
on the left side of the page.
- Select New.
- Enter a name for your Shared Drive and select Create.
File Revision History
If you want to see the changes you and others have made to a document, spreadsheet, presentation, or drawing, you can check the revision history. You can view and revert to earlier versions of the file and see which person made specific edits. To access the revision history:
- Open a document, spreadsheet, or presentation.
- Select File > See revision history.
- Select a timestamp in the panel on the right to see a previous version of the file. You'll also see the people who edited the file below the timestamp, and the edits that each person made are shown in the color that appears next to their name.
- In the top right, use the arrows to scroll through the list of changes.
Note: Text that has been added will be highlighted in a different color. Text that has been deleted will be shown with a strikethrough.
- To revert to the version you're currently viewing, select Restore this revision.
- To return to the current version of your document, select the back arrow in the top left.
Need Additional Help?
For additional assistance, please visit the Google Workspace knowledge base for additional articles. You can also contact the IT Help Desk.