Editing Content in Panopto

Once your recording is complete, you can edit it online. Panopto has limited editing capabilities. For more robust features, use dedicated video editing software.

This article assumes you have already recorded a session with Panopto for Windows or Mac, Panopto Capture, or in a classroom.

Basic Editing

You can access the Panopto Editor by opening Panopto Recordings within your WebCampus course. Then, hover over your desired video and select Edit.

The Edit button for a Panopto video highlighted

In the left navigation, you can select various components to edit on the video.

  1. Details: Edit title, description, and add tags
  2. Contents: Edit video's table of contents
  3. Captions: Import or edit captions. You can also generate ASR (automatic speech recognition) captions. Refer to Adding Captions to Videos for more information
  4. Audio Descriptions: Import audio descriptions
  5. Slides: Add a presentation (if you did not Capture PowerPoint when recording) or edit/delete slides in the presentation
  6. Quizzes: Add a quiz, view quizzes in a video, or delete a quiz/quizzes. Refer to Setting Up Panopto Quizzes for more information on quizzes
  7. Cuts: View cuts and their duration, as well as edit or delete cuts
  8. Streams: View, add, or delete Primary and Secondary stream types

1) Edit Title/Description, 2) Edit Table of Contents, 3) Import/Edit Captions, 4) Import Audio Descriptions, 5) Edit/Delete Slides, 6) View/Add/Edit Quizzes, 7) View/Edit/Delete Cuts, 8) View/Add/Edit Streams

In the timeline on the right, you can:

  1. Cut to remove sections of the video you do not want to be seen
  2. Add Content to add items such as images, other videos, and other content
  3. Set Preview Image will allow you to select the current frame as the title card for the video in thumbnails

a) Cut, b) Add Content, c) Set Preview Image

Panopto Support has tutorials and full documentation on editing functons in How to Edit a Video.

Pre-Cut Sections in Videos

If you paused and resumed your recording in Panopto for Windows or Mac, you will notice sections of the video that are already cut. Panopto does not stop recording during a pause, just in case you forget to un-pause during your session. 

You can un-cut that portion of video and get your recording time back by selecting the gray box and dragging it back or forward to minimize it.

a) Cut portions of a recording

Adding Captions to Videos

Panopto features ASR to automatically generate caption for a video. These can be added via the Edit window. You can add captions to videos once the videos have completely uploaded and processed. If you do not see an option to import automatic captions, please wait until the video has had time to finish processing. 

  1. Open the Panopto Editor as above
  2. In the left menu, select Captions
  3. Select Import Automatic Captions from the drop-down menu

    Captions drop-down menu
  4. If captions are available, they will load in automatically. You can edit captions by hovering over them with your cursor and selecting to edit. The video preview will also jump to the slide or part of the video that the caption blocks are associated with

    Editing ASR captions

For more information on caption editing, refer to Panopto Support How to Add ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) Captions into a Video.

Need Additional Help?

For additional assistance, please visit the Panopto Knowledge Base for additional articles or our Services area to submit a support ticket. You can also contact the IT Help Desk via phone (702) 895-0777 or email (ithelp@unlv.edu).

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Article ID: 1031
Thu 7/7/22 3:00 PM
Thu 7/14/22 7:50 AM

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