Panopto Assignment Folders: Instructor Setup Guide

Panopto is useful not only for recording lectures, but as a way for students to test their knowledge by recording a video or presentation. This guide for instructors explores how to integrate Panopto student video assignments in your Canvas course.


These instructions assume you have already activated Panopto for your WebCampus course.

Create the WebCampus assignment

  1. Login to WebCampus and open your course
  2. In the left navigation, select Assignments

    The Assignments tab highlighted
  3. Select + Assignment and create a new assignment to your preferences. Make sure the submission type is set to Online and Text Entry. Students will submit their work though the Text Entry box.

    The Submission Type is highlighted and set to Online and Text Entry

Create the Assignment Folder in Panopto

  1. In the left naviagtion, select Panopto Recordings
  2. Click the Add Folder button to add a sub-folder to your primary course folder.
    • While it is possible to create an Assignment Folder within your parent course folder, you can only have one active folder at a time. We recommend adding a sub-folder for each assignment you plan on creating. For example, if you plan on having students submit 10 video assignments, create 10 differently-named folders. These sub-folders are not the actual assignment folders.

      The course folder name highlighted, with an arrow connecting it and the "add folder" button, which is also highlighted
  3. Open the folder you just created
  4. On the right side of the screen, select the three "more" dots, then select Settings

    Three "more" dots, with an arrow indicating the drop-down and "settings"
  5. In the Overview page, select Create Assignment Folder

    The Create Assignment Folder option highlighted
  6. When the assignment folder is created, it will create a sub-folder in the folder you have open. By default, it will name this folder the name of its parent folder plus [assignments]. You can select the link displayed, or close settings and see the sub-folder.

  7. If you wish to rename the folder, open it, select Settings, then select Edit on the folder name.

    The Gear icon highlighted, with an arrow pointing below it to the Edit button, which is also highlighted
  8. By default, you as the instructor will see all content submitted to the folder. However, students will only be able to see the content they upload to the folder. If you would like for students to see each other's content, you must enable this. Open Settings for the assignment folder, then in the left menu select Settings, and then turn on Allow viewers to see each other's sessions.

    The "allow viewers to see each other's sessions" button highlighted

Student Recording and Submitting

Once the setup process is compete, students can follow these instructions to record, upload, and submit their assignment.

Leaving Feedback/Grading

Assignments submitted via Panopto can be graded the same way as other assignemnts.

In WebCampus, navigate to your assignment, then open SpeedGrader. Select Open in new window to open the video in the full version of Panopto.

The arrow on the bottom right of the video is highlighted

There are two ways to leave feedback, either in SpeedGrader, or using Discussions in Panopto.

Caution: Feedback Visibility

If you want feedback released to students at the same time (such as using the Post Grades feature in WebCampus), you will want to use SpeedGrader. SpeedGrader will not show comments or feedback until grades have been posted / released by you the instructor. However, comments will not automatically be linked to a timestamp within the video.

If you post comments to the Discussion page in Panopto, these comments will be made immediatily visible to students, even if you have not posted / released grades.

If you want to leave text feedback in the video itself, select Discussion in the video's left navigation. Pause the video at the point you wish to make a comment. The timestamp will show at the bottom of the comment box. When you make a comment, it will tag the timestamp so others will see exactly where your feedback was left.

The instructor's comment highlighted under the "Discussion" tab of the video

Once you have left your feedback and graded the assignment, the student can watch their video in either Panopto Recordings or opening the assignment and playing the embedded video.

Need Additional Help?

For additional assistance, please visit the Panopto Knowledge Base for additional articles or our Services area to submit a support ticket. You can also contact the IT Help Desk via phone (702) 895-0777 or email (

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