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Before students can submit content via Panopto, instructors will need to configure Assignment Folders in this article.
This article outlines the methods to repurpose Panopto video content in multiple courses, including copying and moving methods, and best practices.
Need to reuse Panopto content in multiple courses? Start here for all options to reuse, move, or copy your content.
If you want to copy the entire structure of Panopto content from one course to another, instructors can utilize LMS Content Reuse to automatically migrate all content and sub-folders.
You can adjust your audio and video setting to your preference before and during a Zoom meeting.
Visual effects allow you to blur or replace your background during a meeting using Google Meet. If you can't enable visual effects, this article can help fix the problem.
Instructors can embed quiz questions within their Panopto content to check students understanding of content. Instructors have the option of having Panopto automatically pass a score back to WebCampus for credit.
Resident halls allow residents to connect devices to the wired network using an Ethernet cable. You can connect devices such as Smart TVs and game consoles. Devices must be registered before they can connect.
This guide explains how to move your videos out of your previous course folder into your “My Folder”, and then transfer them to a different course folder.
Some classrooms feature integrated recording equipment to easily record lectures during a live session. This article helps schedule and record in one of these classrooms.
WebCampus allows instructors to easily embed videos into any rich content editor in their WebCampus course. Panopto videos can be easily shown on any assignment, discussion, quiz, or course page.
For media created outside of Panopto, such as professional editing software, this content can be uploaded manually to Panopto