Gmail provides email services for UNLVMail and Rebelmail

Articles (5)

Pinned Article Gmail Quick Tips

Quick start and tip guide for using Gmail.

Adding or Changing your Email Signature

You can configure Gmail to automatically add a signature to the end of all of your emails. Web and Digital Strategy offers for employees a signature generator which helps bring consistency and professionalism to all our electronic communications.

Not Receiving Mailing List Messages (Google Groups)

Learn how to check your Gmail account and newsletter group settings to make sure you receive newsletter messages.

Phishing and Suspicious Emails

The Office of Information Technology works to prevent phishing messages from reaching your inbox and sends phishing alerts to keep campus informed of threats. However, your best defense is to always think before you click.

Sending Bulk Email Messages

When you send bulk messages (50 or more recipients), to internal or external (or mixed) recipients, we strongly recommend that you create a Google Group mailing list to send the message instead of adding the individual recipients to the TO or CC field in Gmail.