New to Panopto? Ready to record your first session? Follow these guides to get started.

Articles (7)

FERPA, IP, Accessibility, and Responsible Use of Conferencing and Recording

Before utilizing conferencing and recording technologies (such as Webex and Panopto), you should understand proper use and when you need to get recording consent. You may also need to add accessibility features such as captions.

Setting up your WebCampus Course for Panopto

Instructors will need to setup Panopto with their WebCampus course before recording sessions.

Downloading and Installing Panopto for Windows or Mac

Instructors (and students with Panopto assignments) can download Panopto for Windows or Mac for fully-featured session recording

Recording Content with Panopto for Windows or Mac

Once Panopto for Windows or Mac is installed, you can utilize it to record content such as audio, video, and screen capture.

Utilizing Panopto Capture

If you only need to record a short or basic video, you can utilize Panopto Capture to record using your web browser. No software install required.

Uploading External Videos to Panopto

For media created outside of Panopto, such as professional editing software, this content can be uploaded manually to Panopto

Editing Content in Panopto

Once you have completed recording a Panopto session, it can be edited using the Panopto Editor in your browser.